Hello, I'm Maciej.


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About Me

I am an IT professional with over 4.5 years of experience pursuing a career in web development.

I have discovered my passion for coding while working on a project which required me to learn Powershell scripting language to complete it. I have then discovered the magic of web development after accidentally stumbling across a showcase video of someone that has built their internal site for home use and controlled all his smart devices. The ability to create a custom site and to be able to connect to various smart devices has increased my passion even more.

Outside of work and coding, I enjoy playing and watching football, watching UFC, hanging out with friends and family, going on trips, light gaming sessions and keeping up to date with a few tech and sports YouTube channels that I find inspiring.

On rare occasions I take on mini-projects, such as replacing old iPhone's battery, disassembling and reassembling old laptops and tinkering with electronic devices.

My Work







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